Genex Star Vijay Devarakonda enjoys huge craze among youngsters. He became the hottest and most sought after star with his powerful performances in films like Pelli Choopulu, Geetha Govindam, Arjun Reddy and Taxiwala. In between he caught the imagination of all by starring in the bilingual political thriller NOTA.
Though the film didnot set box office on fire, his powerful performance attracted everyone. During the film promos, Vijay Devarakonda spoke about politics, importance of voting, electoral process and also about NOTA. During the film release, he praised AP CM Chandra Babu Naidu and Telangana CM KCR. He even asked people tomake use of their right to vote or it will be misused.
Vijay then suggested people to press at least NOTA. He even boasted that he is a diehard fan of KCR and will vote for his party and revealed thatn he shares good relation with KTR.
However on the eve of election day, yesterday, Vijay Devarakonda was not seen anywhere. People are wondering whether Vijay Devarakonda utilised his vote or was partying in his farm house. There is no news of him casting his vote and many are wondering if he did so, did he vote for TRS or pressed NOTA or shocked all by not voting at all.