Of late many rumours are spreading on the budget of Prince Mahesh Babu's most awaited film Maharshi. Earlier, the makers planned to shoot key scenes of the film at a village. Afterwards, they got their idea changed and erected a village set in Hyderabad which costed them Rs.10 crores.
And then, recently some key scenes of the film were canned in USA and the film unit was back to India after the shoot. The director is buzzed to have forgot the shoot of a party scene in USA and the scene was shot in India using green mat.
Gorgeous beauty Pooja Hegde plays Mahesh Babu's romantic interest while Allari Naresh will be seen as Mahesh Babu's friend. Devi Sri Prasad is composing music. The movie is being directed by Vamsi Paidipally. Aswini Dutt, Dil Raju and PVP are producing the film jointly.