Angry Star Rajasekhar after making a successful comeback with action thriller PSV Garuda Vega is currently starring in Kalki. The senior hero is stunning all with his daring acts enacting risky stunts refusing body double. Couple of days back rumours spread that Rajasekhar got injured twice.
As per rumours Rajasekhar injured himself while enacting deadly stunts and later he was injured when a land slide hit his car he was traveling near Manali. Fans got extremely worried and started inquiring about his well being. Rajasekhar speaking to scribes rubbished the rumors saying land slide did disturb the unit members' journey.
He clarified that none of them were injured and all are safe. He however confessed that he got injured ten days ago in the sets and continued shooting as he couldn't take rest due to various factors. He requested scribes not to spread false rumors.