Janasena Chief Power Star Pawan Kalyan said he would eradicate a caste from AP. According to him there are just two castes. "Okati dopidi chese kulam. Marokati doppidee ki gurayye kulam. (One caste belongs to the group of oppressors while the other one is oppressed.)," said Pawan Kalyan during his public meet in Kakinada held on Monday.
"I will eradicate oppressors," added Janasena chief.
Meanwhile, Pawan Kalyan took a dig at Dendulur MLA Chintamaneni on his abuses on Dalits. Pawan Kalyan also, fired at TDP MLA Achcham Naidu who recently made comments on fishermen. Pawan Kalyan hasn't spared Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna either. Pawan Kalyan was furious over Balarksihan's comments on Janasena activists as alaga janam and sankara jathi.
On the other hand, Pawan Kalyan censured the ruling party on its Rs.3500 crores corruption with illegal bauxite mining. Furthermore, Pawan Kalyan raised the issues being faced by Kakinada's port workers, Relli caste people and fishermen.