Rajamouli's RRR had a spectacular and star studded launch yesterday in Hyderabad. Ram Charan and NTR are starring in this multi starrer and people across the country waited eagerly to know more details about the project like the film's heroines and the storyline.
But much to the shock of all, Rajamouli who is always media friendly and who reveals his films entire storyline during the launch, stayed away from doing it. Forget about revealing the story, he didn’t even invite and interact with the scribes.
Now many are wondering whether Rajamouli is really getting scared to give details of the story to the scribes. Is Rajamouli planning to maintain the suspense and increase the hype ahead of the film release? Buzz is he also gave strict instructions to the heroes and the film unit not to talk about the film with the scribes.
He decided not to promote the film in any manner and also not to interact with the media till release time. But many felt that even if Rajamouli doesn’t interact with media, craze for this project will be intact and increases furth er as RRR is his first after Baahubali.
The film as per sources has 1920 backdrop and sets are erected for the same in the outskirts of Hyderabad. The film's regular shoot kick started with a high voltage fight at Aluminum Factory. The fight which would be shot for around one month will appear near the interval block.