For the past few days, AP CM Chandrababu Naidu has been reciting actor Shivaji's fraudulent and deceitful story titled Operation Garuda but was changed it as 'Operation Perugu Vada' by TDP's detractors.
The other day, during a press meet after a stranger's attack on YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, CBN defended the government's moves and slang mud on opposition parties Janasena, BJP and YCP in the press meet. He said actor Shivaji's Operation Garuda had come into reality.
And today, CBN convened a press meet with national media in Delhi. Shockingly, CBN again chanted the words Operation Garuda. He alleged that the BJP let the IT department to raid on TDP leaders' properties as part of Opertaion Garuda.
CBN tried to project IT raids on TDP leaders as the attacks on AP state. As usually, AP CM boasted about himself claiming that he advised to get digital currency enabled instead of currently transactions.