A caste biased 'Merugaina K Samajam' news Channel is known for its pro TDP stand. As it being an honest pro TDP Channel, it is supposed to target Power Star Pawan Kalyan's Janasena and YS Jagan Mohan Reddy's YSRCP regularly.
And true to the assumptions, the Channel would sling mud on Pawan Kalyan telecasting hour long and day long discussion programmes with Sri Reddy, Kathi Mahesh etc to tear apart Pawan Kalyan. Since Power Star also gave a fitting retort to the Channel's head raising even some personal issues, the Channel's head had to stop broadcasting useless discussions with controversial personalities. From then on the Channel developed grudge and hatred on Power Star and ignored telecasting Janasena activities. Right now, it's airing only opposition parties' criticisms on Pawan Kalyan.
As it being a die hard supporter of the TDP, the Channel slings mud on YSRCP at times. However, the Channel hasn't crossed its limits in criticising YSRCP.
Much to everyone's surprise, the Channel is currently showcasing its hatred on BJP and the PM Narendra Modi. Non-stop discussions against Modi and BJP are being aired by the news Channel at the moment. De facto, BJP has just a single digit percentage of vote bank in Andhra Pradesh. In such case, why has BJP been made as the target to sling mud?
According to some political observers, the Channel might have scripted a master strategy predicting some shocking developments within BJP in AP politics in the upcoming days. Firstly, a charismatic leader may join and lead BJP army for general elections forming an alliance with a fast emerging political party. If not, BJP may ally with either Janasena or YSRCP for general elections, which could increase the strength of the combo by leaps and bounds. Obviously, either of these reasons turned prime reason for the Channel targeting the BJP at the moment.