Ajaz Khan after gaining attention participating in Bigg Boss reality show hosted by Salman Khan, shot to fame taking on top Tollywood stars Super Star Mahesh Babu, Young Tiger NTR and Mega Power Star Ram Charan in Dookudu, Baadshah and Nayak respectively.
However instead of concentrating on his rising career, he often landed in various controversies. According to the latest Anti Narcotics Cell of Mumbai police arrested him for possessing drugs on Monday night from a hotel in Mumbai.
Police revealed that Ajaz had 2.3gms of 8 tablets of prohibited ecstasy tablets and also seized 2.2 lakhs cash and cellphones. Ajaz will be produced in court today. Cops shared, "Actor Ajaz Khan arrested from a hotel in Bekasur by Anti-Narcotics Cell of the Mumbai police last night, in possession of banned narcotic substance (8 ecstasy tablets). He will be produced before a court today."