Both Nagarjuna and Nani are said to be disgruntled over final product and response for their multi starrer film Devadas directed by Sriram Aditya. While Nagarjuna is enjoying his foreign trip, Nani has been busy for last two days preparing for Bigg Boss 2 finale that will be aired today at 6 PM. Buzz is that, Kaushal is going to be the winner of Bigg Boss 2.
It is heard that, Nagarjuna asked editing team to highlight his character which is the reason why a key scene dominated by Nani in second has been chopped off. Nani who came to know this after watching the film had allegedly expressed his discontentment for removing the scene.
On the flip side, Nagarjuna was shocked to see the way he was presented in the film. Nani subjugated the film completely and none of Nag’s solo scenes were created any impact. Even, Nagarjuna fans expressed their displeasure for giving less space and scope for their favorite hero.
Due to mixed talk and low key promotions, Devadas is slowing down at box office. As per reports, the makers are planning to add the edited scene of Nani in next few days. How this is going to affect the film?