Mega Star Chiranjeevi's birthday was celebrated in a grand manner. Mega fans celebrated the occasion as a festival and even mega family members celebrated in the most memorable way. Thankfully, Chiranjeevi provided his fans a big gift in the form of Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy teaser and first look poster.
Seems like, mega family decided to celebrate Chiranjeevi's birthday in a spectacular manner every year ever since his 60th birthday. But for the celebrations this time which happened in an auditorium, many celebrities attended but Chiranjeevi couldn't make it.
Those who watched Mega Power Star Ram Charan, Stylish Star Allu Arjun and Mega Prince Varun Tej, many are wondering whether mega fans and movie lovers will be treated with a young mega multi starrer on silver screen and if that materializes who will be the director. Already mega fans are having wild dreams about the multi starrer.