Rana Daggubati is playing the key role of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu in Balakrishna’s most ambitious project NTR, biopic on legendary actor turned politician NTR. Chandrababu Naidu, supremo of Telugu Desam Party has reportedly given suggestions to Rana and also the film’s director Krish.
It is reliably learnt that, though Rana will have limited screen time, he will dominate Balakrishna completely in second half. The film indeed will show Chandrababu playing a key in the raise of his father-in-law NTR in politics.
As we reported earlier, first half of the film shows NTR’s efforts to float Telugu Desam Party and becoming Chief Minister of AP. Then, the second half will show, how NTR retained CM post in 1994 after defeat to Congress Party in 1989 elections.
The second half will apparently highlight Chandrababu’s character. The episodes show Chandrababu’s strategies and mind games to bring his father-in-law back to power. So, Rana who will play Chandrababu will dominate Balakrishna who will be seen as NTR in second half.
Balakrishna who has high regards for his brother-in-law may not have any qualms in highlighting Chandrababu Naidu since it will be beneficial for the TDP in next elections. But the question is will Nandamuri fans really accept the fact of Rana’s domination on Balakrishna in the film?