The YSRCP's head YS Jagan Mohan Reddy made a self goal slamming Janasena chief Power Star Pawan Kalyan raising personal issues. Within no time, there had been a hue and cry from Jansaena activists, critics and other political observers on YS Jagan's words.
YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, however, understood his blunder and hadn't let his criticism on Pawan Kalyan were published in his Sakshi newspaper in the first page. With this development, it has been understood that YS Jagan repented for his blunder.
On the other hand, Janasena activists breathed fire on YS Jagan and tried to drag the family members of the YCP's chief into the controversy. Pawan Kalyan, nevertheless, appealed Janasena supporters not to drag YS Jagan's family women to the controversy. He made it clear that never ever would he take a personal dig at politicians and would criticise them on the policies of his opponents.