A Telugu girl shot to fame a super hit with a horror film, after making her debut in the direction of Teja. She became a household name and went on to sign many projects. She even scored a hit starring in Maruti’s direction. However surprisingly she left Tollywood and did a Malayalam film. She even attracted all with her special appearance in Young Tiger Jr NTR’s Jai Lava Kusa.
But from then on this actress is not seen anywhere on the silver screen. One cannot find fault with the Telugu girl as she is immensely talented. However she is left with no offers. Currently she is starring in a low budget horror film and is pinning all her hopes on it.
Many are wondering the reason behind her current situation. But it is coming out that a conspiracy is being hatched against the Telugu girl according to a senior co director.
He said “This girl has no discipline. She has no right attitude and was never on time to the sets. Her career got affected due to her behavior which spread like a wild fire.”
It is coming out that she is punctual now-a-days. But looking from the other angle, one gets a doubt whether a vicious campaign was launched against her. The industry is notorious for not giving offers on the pretext of not having ‘commitment