Maharashtra government's blanket ban on usage of plastics across the state is resulting in hot posts by Bollywood bombshells on social media. While it is known that they are running after free publicity by hogging into the media limelight with their posts, some of them are creating huge controversies.
Few days ago stripping sensation Poonam Pandey, surprised all by asking those who underwent plastic surgery should not to come out and also questioned whether condoms are made of plastic, Rakhi Sawant abused Mahika Sharma over condoms and said she would get AIDS.
What started as a friendly chat, quickly snowballed into fight between hot beauties? Mahika, who is all set to feature in a movie with American adult star Danny D, asked Rakhi, whether condoms are made of plastic and whether they are banned.
She questioned "@rakhisawant2511 Sister can you give me lil knowledge about plastic ban? If condoms included? BEBOY doing good yaa these rain and plastic ban what a combo [sic],"
She attracted the rage of Rakhi Sawant by posting the pic of Rakhi endorsing her condom brand. Rakhi turned furious and came with various videos in which she hurled obscene abuses saying if condoms get banned people like Mahika would get AIDS.