Megastar Chiranjeevi disclosed the name of Mega Power Star Ram Charan's next film producer post Rajamouli's venture. Megastar graced the audio launch event of Supreme hero Sai Dharam Tej's Tej I Love You on 9th of June.
It is a known news that senior top producer KS Rama Rao bankrolled the project. Chiranjeevi went nostalgic remembering the association and bond he had with KS Rama Rao. He said the combo's Abhilasha, Challenge, Rakshasudu and Marana Mrudangam scored super hits. He also divulged that it was KS Rama Rao, who gave him the title 'Megastar (Marana Mrudangam - 1988).
Having praised the senior producer, Megastar revealed an interesting news. He said, "Recently Charan expressed his wish working for a movie under KS Rama Rao garu's production. When I asked the reason, Charan said KS garu had been a very good friend of mine and a nice personality. Charan permitted me to announce KS Rama Rao garu the next producer of his."
KS Rama Rao appeared to have turned emotional during Megastar's speech. Prior to Chiranjeevi's speech. KS addressed the turnout. He said Chiranjeevi is the one and only Megastar of India. "Having looked at his posture, I sense lord Venkateswara or lord Maha Shiva in him. One should learn modesty in him."
Anupama Parameswaran said Chiranjeevi is an inspiration to everyone. A Karunakaran divulged he had been a great fan of Chiranjeevi. Sai Dharam Tej thanked the cast and crew who associated with the project.