It is a known fact that the former CBI JD Lakshmi Narayana took voluntary retirement recently to join active politics. Soon his plea for retirement was acknowledged by the government, Lakshmi Narayana started visiting places and is learning the problems being faced by people.
In the meanwhile, rumours have been spread that the former CBI JD would soon be joining Power Star Pawan Kalyan's Janasena political party. Ever since the rumours were out, pro TDP's media started mud slinging acts on LN. A channel's head warned LN if he joins Janasena, he would befall under caste impression.
Wonder what, the same caste media heads, never questioned about particular caste people were made ministers in maximum numbers including speaker. And they never questioned a top caste media's head has been playing the role of Raja Guruvu to TDP. And they never questioned why 'Musugu intellectuals' and 'Musugu Mahila Sanghalu' belonged to particular caste. And lastly, they never questioned why many lawyers and judges belonged to one particular caste.
However, Pawan Kalyan's revolt on caste biased media brought a huge change. Power Star has been succeeded in projecting a few yellow media houses as wrongdoers in journalism.