Young hero Ram and director Praveen Sattaru’s film in Sravanthi Movies Banner was launched in April last week. Seems like, this film got shelved. It is known that, Praveen Sattaru makes his films lavishly. Likewise, Garuda Vega producers were also in huge shock as the film’s budget was doubled to estimated amount.
They shelled out high amount for foreign schedule, underwater stunts and explosive scenes. Fortunately, Garuda Vega received positive talk had done decent business. It made strong digital and dubbing rights business.
Sravanthi Movies also have faced similar circumstances with Praveen Sattaru. But, producer Sravanthi Ravi Kishore is not that easy person since he is very firm about making decisions.
This is said to have caused differences between Praveen Sattaru and Sravanthi Ravi Kishore. This matter has led to cancellation of the project.
Buzz is that, Praveen Sattaru is planning to make the film with another hero and another production house. But, the big question is any producer ready to spend huge budget on Praveen’s film more importantly when no star hero is keen to work with him.