Superstar Mahesh Babu’s recent entertainer Bharat Ane Nenu sent powerful message to the society about the real time happenings in politics. The film also highlighted the need for free education from Government schools and how the authorities should attract people towards them.
In the midst of all this Government authorities drew inspiration from Bharat Ane Nenu and decided to attract people towards their schools. In order to do so, they chose Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s popular song ‘Aa Gattununtaavaa Naaganna Ee Gattukostaavaa’ from his superhit film Rangasthalam.
Mandal Parishat school in Kajulauru, East Godavari district came up with a unique hoarding attracting the attention of everyone highlighting the services of Government schools visa vis private schools. The words like ‘ Aa Gattununtaavaa Vidyaarthi! Ee Gattukostaavaa? Aa gatuunemo 20000 kharchu undi, ee gattunemo nanyamaina chaduvu undi’.