As we all know, Mega Power Star Ram Charan's Rangasthalam created all time records in every centre and stood as an industry hit of Tollywood. In Overseas also, the movie minted record collections. In US alone the film crossed the mark of $3.5M gross. On a whole, the movie collected Rs.18+ crores share for Overseas area.
Rangasthalam's Overseas distributors CreativecinemazNY acquired the rights to Rs.9 crores and got double to their investments. In the meanwhile, another big film, that was released in this summer, is buzzed to have been making some noise with hiked collections.
It's speculated that the big film's supporting media house posted a hiked number for Overseas area. As per this hiked number, the big film got Rs.5+ crores share more than Rangasthalam.
Having known the news of the fake collections of a big film, Rangasthalam Overseas buyers posted a sarcastic message on the big film's promoters in their social media page. Wonder what in spite of Rentrak system, the big film's supporters published hiked collections with manipulated numbers taken from various other counties. According to genuine trade reports, the big film collected close to Rs.16 crores share which is Rs.2 crores lesser to Rangasthalam's share.