Power Star Pawan Kalyan, chief of Jana Sena in the last few weeks is surprising all with his dramatic actions. Pawan Kalyan who remained silent all these years, reacted strongly over the casting couch allegations and also on Sri Reddy issue, alleging that media backed by AP government hatched a conspiracy to tarnish his character in full public gaze.
Now, Pawan created another sensation in Tirupati by climbing seven hills and reaching Tirumala by foot without giving any prior information to the officials. Pawan reached Renigunta on Saturday evening for his three day visit in Chittor district.
He took everyone by surprise by heading straight away to Alipiri and then climbing the steps to Tirumala. Though Jana Sena party leaders are aware of Pawan Kalyan's Tirupati trip, no one was aware of this.
Pawan will go on bus yatra across Andhra Pradesh and will reveal his future course of action during the time.