Ever since director Teja opted out of late NTR's biopic, rumours had been rife that the megaphone would be wielded by none other than Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna, who also will be seen as a protagonist in the movie.
Balakrishna had no experience as a director before. As such, many of his fans were worried with the speculations. It's also buzzed that AP CM Chandrababu Naidu too was embarrassed with Balayya's decision. Since the film was supposed to hit screens before general elections, 2019, it was thought the film's fate might create negative impact on elections. It is heard hat Chandrababu discussed NTR film's updates with some ministers the other day.
As a result, CBN might have advised Balayya to stop doing NTR and instead he would go with any other project. In the wake of CBN's advice, Balayya gave nod to VV Vinayak for a mass masala entertainer. The movie will be bankrolled by C Kalyan on CK Entertainments.