YSRCP's head Ys Jagan Mohan Reddy, the other day, pledged that he would rename Krishna district as 'Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao district' after assuming power in 2019. Having done counter deeksha against TDP's deeksha on special status, YS Jagan proclaimed above pledge which received a huge criticism among people.
"Who gave him the right to change the name of a district? Is it his own Jagirdar the name to be changed? Was late NTR that greatest personality beyond the holy river Krishna?" posed a serious question by many people to YCP's head.
Although YS Jagan gave the promise for political gains, his pledge merely turned out to be a futile exercise. Also, this promise gives us the hint both TDP and YCP are something like 'thodu dongalu' and they alone wish to enjoy power in AP. If at all, other opposition parties project the feudalistic approaches of both the parties in bad light, they can be benefited.
There were high criticisms when Kadapa district was renamed as YSR district. And YS Jagan seems to be continuing same tradition renaming the existing districts. Whatsoever, YS Jagan will be facing hardships in Krishna district from major sections of people during general elections, 2019.