Superstar Mahesh Babu has immense affection and respect towards his mother India Devi. In fact, his latest outing Bharat Ane Nenu was released on her birthday of April 20th. During media interaction at thanks meet event, Mahesh Babu revealed that he enjoys coffee prepared by his mom.
When asked about his mother’s reaction for Bharat Ane Nenu, Mahesh Babu said, “I was in pressure situation since 17th of April. My hands were shivering when I carried glass to drink water. In such condition, I went to my mom’s house to meet her. I like the coffee she makes. She indeed makes best coffee. After having coffee with her and coming back to home, I felt very much relieved. I think what that happened was a blessing.”
Mahesh Babu thanked his director Koratala Siva for providing another break with Bharat Ane Nenu when he was going through lean phase. He said he’s always grateful to the director and expressed his wish to work again with him.