Natasimha Balakrishna is currently busy with the biopic on his dad, former CM NTR. The biopic directed by Teja is becoming the talk of the T-Town and the makers are trying their best to rope in Bollywood stars Vidya Balan, Deepika Padukone, Paresh Rawal in the important roles of Basavatarakam, Sridevi and Nadendla Bhaskara Rao.
Now Balakrishna speaking at Jai Simha's 100days celebrations held at Chilakaluripet, Guntur revealed the secret behind him doing NTR biopic. He said, "I started NTR biopic to ensure that NTR remains an inspiration for many generations. I feel it is an honor as a son to play the role of my father on silver screen. For me my dad is the inspiration and mentor. He never used to imitate anyone and people say he used to live in the roles."
Balakrishna said the reason behind Jai Simha celebrations in Chilakaluripet is because his father's Gundamma Katha to Potuluri Brahmendraswami Charitra too celebrated 100days functions in the same place.