Natasimha Balakrishna is getting ready for the biopic on his father titled Jai NTR under the direction of Teja. The film will be going to sets on March 29th in a grand manner on the birth anniversary of the legendary actor.
Some time back rumours spread that the filmmakers planned to rope in senior actress Laya who tempted all with her looks and performances during her hay days to play NTR's wife Basavatarakam in the biopic.
However now reports are coming that this Telugu beauty who attracted with her traditional looks, rejected the offer due to unknown reasons giving a shock to Balakrishna. It may be mentioned here that actress Nitya Menon had also refused to be part of the project. So, this is second jolt for Balayya.
Balakrishna will be seen in 62 getups in the biopic which hss become the talk of the T-Town.