
Chiru running behind Rajya Sabha ticket!

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Chiru running behind Rajya Sabha ticket!
Chiru running behind Rajya Sabha ticket!

Chiranjeevi, chief of Praja Rajyam Party who is known to share cordial relations with top leaders in state Congress Party has started lobbying for a Rajya Sabha ticket for his brother-in-law Allu Aravind. After loosing of general elections in a miserable manner by Praja Rajyam Party and of course Allu Aravind too, there was quite a lull when it comes to mega producer Allu Aravind’s political future.

None knows is it the pressure from Allu Aravind or other forces in the party to push Allu Aravind for Rajya Sabha, but Chiranjeevi is known to have got busier in bargaining this seat from Congress party in the state. As one third of new members are to enter Rajya Sabha by end of next month, not just from Praja Rajyam even many top politicians from Congress have started to move their pawns for securing a seat which makes then MP’s for next 6 years.

Is this bargaining by Chiranjeevi with Praja Rajyam, an indication of timely moves by Chiru? Will Praja Rajyam extend the party support to Congress in next elections? Will Chiru merge his Praja Rajyam in Congress? Will other Praja Rajyam senior leaders, who are expecting of reaping the benefits from a very long time, agree by this move of Chiru and Allu Aravind? Many doubts behind which time alone can answer.
