Young Tiger Ntr in the recent past is enjoying the purple patch in both personal and professional life. He has scored hits like Temper, Naannaku Premato, Janata Garage and Jai Lava Kusa. In the process he not only entertained his fans but also mesmerised critics and movie lovers alike.
On personal front, he is all set to become proud father once again. It is well known that his wife Lakshmi Pranathi is pregnant and will soon give birth to a baby. Ntr and Pranathi are already blessed with a son Abhay Ram but now they want a girl.
Yes, Ntr is dreaming of having a daughter and already decided the name. Ntr is planning to name the yet to born daughter after his grand mother Basavatarakam. Due date for Lakshmi Pranathi's delivery is in the month of May.