Tamil legendary hero Kamal Haasan has floated a new political party today in the city of Madurai. Amidst lakhs of his fans the universal star proclaimed that his party had been named 'Makkal Needhi Maiam'. The meaning of the title is 'Justice for All'. (Prajalaku Nyaayam in Telugu).
The crucial meet was graced by Delhi CM Arvind Kejrival to extend his solidarity to Kamal's party. Addressing to the people Kamal Haasan said that his party would not get confined just one day, instead, it would last long.
Kamal Haasan also made it clear that he would not act as a leader but would like to become one among the people and would take their advice. Meanwhile, the party's flag consists of the symbol of joining hands in rounded form and the flag sets in white backdrop symbolizing peace.