Director Ram Gopal Varma appeared to have deeply immersed into troubles which arose post his atrocious comments against two women leaders in a TV channel's live show about his GST film. The director was interrogated by the CCS police for three and half hours today and had to face 10 crucial questions from the police officials. Following questions are said to have been posed by the police.
* Why did you direct GST?
* How could you shoot the adult scenes with Mia Malkova?
* According to the IT act, the portrayal of a woman in an undignified manner is against the law. Don't you know it?
* What was the source that the images posted on your Facebook and Twitter accounts?
* What prompted you making derogatory comments on two women from Vizag?
* Have you proclaimed that you would shoot a porn movie starring women activist, Devi?
* How can you defend yourself that Indian law doesn’t apply to GST?
* Did you shoot the film in the US?
* Who was the producer of GST?
* How much price have you quoted the website to sell GST?
Update: Rgv has rendered his apologies to women activists Devi and Mani in a TV channel's live show just now.