Megastar Chiranjeevi says Tholiprema success has been a pride moment for mega brother Nagababu. Having watched Tholiprema special show, Megastar invited film's team Mega Prince Varun Tej, director Venky, producers BVSN Prasad Bapineedu and others to his home and convened a press meet.
"I was inspired with the film. The screen play was given more importance than to that of the story. Director's thoughts were so fresh and such kind of inputs become infuse make our films talked about by other industries.
Mega family is proud of Varun Tej's success. Initially, there were doubts on Varun Tej's dances. However, could successfully adopt every dance move and did a fabulous job. Tholiprema success is a pride moment for Nagababu and Varun Tej presented a wonderful gift to his father. Thaman's music and cameraman George's cinematography were at top notch. Both Varun and Raashi looked well while BVSN Prasad must be appreciated for wrapping up the film in just 60 days", Chiranjeevi said.