
How Many Times Tapsee Fell In Love?

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Tapsee shares her romantic secrets


Tapsee is currently busy working hard for that elusive commercial hit in Bollywood after leaving Tollywood for greener pastures. On the eve of Valentine's Day, she stunned all saying that she enjoyed the feeling of love in her second standard. 

"I cannot say whether it was love or not but during my second standard I lost my heart to a cute boy. After growing up, during my high school days, I used to get ready beautifully wishing that boys should look at me. Whenever I used to walk on roads I used to think whether any guy will propose to me experiencing love at first sight. I think every girl will have the same feeling at that age. 


Now everything, like talking in the school corridor, exchanging chocolates, teddy bears as gifts, receiving love letters, looks stupid. With age, one feels like thrashing those who run after us.

Four years back I was in love with a guy but later brokeup. I feel even that happened for my good as I progressed a lot in my career doing films close to my heart. Love changes with age and with maturity, understanding of life changes. I cannot say whether I am in love or not. I do not wish to speak about personal things in public," said Tapsee.