Ace director Vv Vinayak is facing all the flak for disaster delivered in the form of Inttelligent. In fact, a film from star director automatically carries huge buzz and Inttelligent followed the rule. Despite Sai Dharam is suffering with failures, it’s the winning charm carried by Vinayak from Khaidi No 150 helped producer C Kalyan very much in closing the pre release business.
Unfortunately, Vinayak’s over dependence on trusted writer Akula Siva has done the severe damage, first Akhil and now Inttelligent. Both the films lacked not only in common sense but also in minimum cinematic expression. Apparently, how come a Mega senior and most experienced Vinayak fell in Siva’s trap for these two dud lines is a question yet to be cracked?
For whatever the good or bad reasons, Akhil and Inttelligent left buyers in big holes leaving a scar on Vinayak’s brand value. Even now the time hasn’t run out, well wishers of Vinayak are passing a free suggestion to leave Akula Siva aside and take help from some other new writers. Else there is a danger of Vinayak also to run out of juice like his talented writer.