Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna released the teaser of Inttelligent the other day, which gave a big boost for the film's team. Also, the teaser clocked at one million digittal views within a day. And today, Supreme hero Sai Dharam Tej has got yet another top hero's support for his film.
Young Rebel Star Prabhas graced the first single launch event of the film and unveiled the song. Sai seems to have got the support of Balayya and Prabhas' fans for his film in addition to mega fans support.
Ace director VV Vinayak wielded megaphone for this action thriller. Lavanya Tripathi has romanced Sai in the movie while Thaman composed music. C Kalyan produced the movie on CK Entertainment. The movie is hitting screens on February 9.