Pretty Punjabi Kudi Charmi who shared the screen presence with all top stars during her hay days however lost her sheen in recent past. At present, she turned co producer joining ace director Puri Jagannath and is currently bankrolling Puri's son Akash's romantic entertainer Mehbooba.
Well, Charmi went on a bike ride along with her co director Sreedhar. What's so special in this?
Here it is. Charmi chose to go home on bike right from the shooting spot along with co director. Being a known heroine and a star face, obviously public would throng at her when she is found on roads.
Charmi in order to avoid this recognition has covered her face with cloth and both of them even tasted some street food.
Charmi shared her excitement saying, "Bike ride on the streets of Hyd with mera beta Sreedhar.” These Charmi's snaps having bike ride are going viral.