Naga Shourya starrer Chalo theatrical trailer was unveiled by the makers this evening. The story was dealt with a very interesting point on a hilarious note. The trailer shows a village named Thirupuram which is divided with a fencing and on either side of it Telugu and Tamil speaking people are shown. There's a staunch rivalry between Telugu and Tamil people with reasons unknown. Rest of the story deals the sort of dire sequences faced by Naga Shourya after entering the village.
The beginning, itself, starts off on a hilarious note where senior actor Naresh is seen in a prison and narrates the story. And then, a couple of characters like Raghubabu, Vennela Kishore, Viva Harsha and many others are seen and generate lot of fun. Heroine Rashmika Mandanna looked hot in a song and her chemistry with hero appeared to have worked out well.
BGM by Sagar Mahathi is nice and apt. Visuals are enough for the content. Usha Mulpuri produced the movie. The film was written and directed by Venky Kudumula. February 2 has been locked for film's release.