It is a known news that Kathi Mahesh posed six questions to Poonam Kathi which appeared to have targeted Power Star Pawan Kalyan. In retort, emerging cine and TV artist Hyper Adhi released a list of 7 questions. Following are the questions posed by Hyper Adhi to Mahesh Kathi.
* How much money was earned by your father as an agricultural officer through bribes?
* Why doesn't your family go to your village?
* Why did Ambati Rambabu recommend you for Big Boss show?
* How much money did YCP pay to you for targeting Pawan Kalyan?
* Why did your mother cheat Vayalpadu farmers as part of chits business?
* Who helped you to threaten your sister's husband and collected the money?
* If not your family made any mistakes, why haven't you gone to your village?