Bollywood super star Salman Khan despite crossing 50 is still regarded as the most eligible bachelor to get married. Many analysts and his celebrity colleagues are surprised why Salman is not getting married. This because Salman fell in love and had affairs with many stunning beauties. But much to the surprise of all, most of them got married while Salman remained single.
Now Salman who is romancing his ex girl friend Katrina Kaif in Tiger Zinda Hai, speaking to all surprised all by heaping praises on her. Salman who once remarked “Katrina missed being one of the Khans!”, interacting with the scribes at an event said Katrina defeats current bombshells Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra hollow in the dancing moves. He said though she was a novice in dancing when she entered the industry,she is now an expert dancer. Many are wondering how will Deepika and Priyanka will respond but some say, no one would love to take on Salman for the fear of facing his wrath.