Pawan Kalyan’s Agnathavasi first look left Fans in immense joy. Though this title has been in vogue from some time due to speculations from web media, makers never officially accepted it until they unleashed the much awaited poster yesterday in Varanasi.
What left a section of Pawan Kalyan Fans in quandary is why did they select Varanasi backdrop for poster launch? Coincidentally, Varanasi hasn’t got any positive connection with Power Star Fans because a major portion of Teen Maar was shot in the same temple city backdrop but result of the film was dismal.
Lord Shiva is powerful and Varanasi is a sacred pilgrim centre. In that context, Agnathavasi should at least have a story connection with Varanasi. Given the Software guy getup and Prince in Exile tagline… one finds it hard to join all these loose ends with Kasi. Well, Trivikram Srinivas might have got answers for all these Fans doubts.