Tamil Superstar Rajinikanth and director Shankar's combo film 2.0 was initially planned for release on January 25 as a Republic day gift for the audience. But the latest reports suggest that the film has been pushed to summer due to the delay in VFX and post production work.
Now that 2.0 vacated Republic Day slot, some of the filmmakers may get their luck tested ensuring their films released on Republic Day. It is a known news that Supreme hero Sai Dharam Tej is working with ace director VV Vinayak for a mass entertainer.
Sai and VV Vinayak's film release was earlier scheduled for release in the month of February. In such case, Sai has to lock horns with another mega hero Mega Prince Varun Tej as the latter's Toliprema is slated for release on February 9. If at all, Sai and VVV's film gets its release preponed, the film can avail the advantage of Republic Day holiday.
Meanwhile, Sai and BVS Ravi's Jawaan will be hitting screens on December 1. Mehreen PIrzada has shared screen space with Sai in this action entertainer.