Young Tiger Ntr has the reputation of taking not only his Fans but also movie lovers by surprise trying out something different in each of his films. In his recent entertainers Temper, Naannaku Premato, Janata Garage and Jai Lava Kusa, he sported different looks, body language, mannerisms, expressions and emotions.
Now Tarak is getting ready for next under the direction of dialogue sorcerer Trivikram Srinivas. Expectations are soaring high on the film as the duo is teaming for first time. Sometime back rumours spread that Ntr will undergo training during his vacation to US and he will be sporting a different look.
According to the latest, Ntr is readying for another sensational makeover. He is all likely to do away with beard and sport a clean shaven look something similar to the one he appeared in Brindavanam.
In Brindavanam, Ntr was seen without a beaRd and moustache. Film's regular shoot will commence from January 2018. The film is said to be a wholesome family entertainer.