Ram Gopal Varma is not leaving any stone unturned to make sure that his upcoming controversial film on Late Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao’s life to be narrated from his widow Lakshmi Parvathi’s perspective takes all the headlines. What’s more shocking is, Varma reportedly met YS Jagan Mohan Reddy’s brother in law Anil Kumar in Park Hyatt regarding the production while YSRCP leader Rakesh Reddy from Palamaneru will be the acting producer.
This led to several speculations on YSRCP might offer political backing for Varma in completion of Lakshmi’s NTR with senior talented actress Roja to play the crucial character of Lakshmi Parvathi while Mohan Babu might reprise the legendary role.
In parallel, Anil Kumar also threw the idea of making a film on YS Rajasekhar Reddy’s inspirational life story with the title Thamasoma Jyothirgamaya. It can now be exciting twist… will Varma first take up Lakshmi’s NTR aiming at 2019 elections or finish Thamasoma Jyothirgamaya simultaneously. All in all, Varma taking shelter under YSRCP is giving tremors to TDP camp.