Nandamuri Balakrishna’s 102nd film in KS Ravi Kumar direction is presently progressing with production schedules at brisk pace. After 100th Gauthami Puthra Satakarni, the perspective of Balakrishna towards picking the scripts saw a sea of change. In fact, NBK101 Paisa Vasool was also a treat for NBK Fans but could not please the common audience.
With the same courage, Balayya took to the challenge of working with Tamil director KS Ravi Kumar under the production of C Kalyan. Like each one of us is informed about Jayasimha as the working title, here comes an update that makers are contemplating to lock KARNA as the final title.
Starring Nayanathara, Natasha Doshi in female leads, KARNA is slated for Pongal 2018 release. Entire team of KS Ravi Kumar is fast approaching towards the deadline. KARNA sounds a powerful vibration and can be apt to match with Balayya stardom.