In spite of huge competition from two big films, Sharwanand's Mahanubhavudu hit the screens on 29th of September as a Dussehra gift for audience. Sharwa strikes a gold with his film emerging the Dussehra winner scoring a super hit at the box office.
Wonder what the exhibitors are adding 100 more theaters from tomorrow aiming at long run collections. In Hyderabad alone 30 screens are being added which takes the total tally 70 screens in Hyderabad alone.
Mehreen Pirzada has romanced Sharwanand in this romantic comedy. Sharwanand was seen as the guy who obsessed with cleanliness thus generated the fun. Thaman's music has become a huge success. Maruthi has scored yet another big hit in his career with this film. UV Creations is the production house.