Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu seems to have been doing lots of ground work when it comes to construction of capital city. We are aware that S.S.Rajamouli has been approached earlier to provide his inputs pertaining to the design of new capital city Amaravathi.
Though there were several criticisms doing rounds that what does a film director had to do in the design of a capital city, those criticism faded out slowly after Rajamouli clarified that he was just involved in providing some minor inputs and that he has nothing to do technically.
Now again, Chandra babu Naidu has invited Boyapati Srinu for a high-level meeting with CRDA officials and reportedly took his suggestions for the development of capital city. We also know that Boyapati Srinu was approached earlier for Godavari Pushkaralu a couple of years ago and was appreciated for his excellent work.
Several eyebrows were again raised by a few people of why a movie director is involved in the meeting that involves CRDA officials.
Well, looks like our chief minister has high hopes from successful directors. So, who will be the next director in line?