Prabhas is currently enjoying the international stardom with India’s biggest motion capture film ‘Baahubali’ huge success. His next film Sahoo has become a talk of the town due to Prabahs pan –India image. The expectations on Sahoo have already reached sky-high and recently released teaser also created curiosity on the film. It is known that Sahoo makers kick-started the shooting long back and progressing in the brisk pace.
It is coming out that sensuous sizzler left Rebel Star stunned. It is known that Prabhas is romancing Bollywood beauty Shraddha Kapoor in the film. Inside talk is Shraddha watched Prabhas' previous films before she met him in person.
The moment she entered the sets of Saaho, she surprised Prabhas by revealing the same. It is known that Prabhas starred in 19 films after making his debut with Eswar in 2002.