Naga Chaitanya's Yuddham Sharanam is giving nightmarish experience to the film's cast and its crew while the producer Sai Korrapati turned as a loser with the huge disaster. Now that, Chaitu's previous offings Premam and Raarandoyi Veduka Chooddham had decent run at box office, Yuddham Sharanam was also hoped to be minting respectable shares.
But then, Yuddham Sharanam could collect just Rs.2 crores on day one while its full run shares recorded surprisingly low numbers. According to inside reports Sai Korraptai lost Rs.11 crores on the project. With his dismay, his previous ventures like Patel SIR and Jyo Achyutananda incurred heavy losses.
Naga Chaitanya is currently working for an interesting film titled Savyasachi. Chaitu will be seen as ambidextrous in the film with both of his hands have equal powers. Chandu Mondeti is directing this crime thriller. Mythri Movie Makers is the production house.