A case of molestation has been registered against Bollywood Singer Yash Wadali by a 39 year old woman. As per the information from Police, Yash Wadali has attended a birthday function of his friend held in Goregaon where he abused and molested a woman after having drunk. He also abused the women and forcibly pushed her.
The women in subject complained the police and a case is registered on Yash Wadali under IPC section 354 and 504.
On the other hand, Wadali confessed in court telling that he is not aware of woman. Wadali’s lawyer has also applied for anticipatory bail citing reasons that his client is falsely implicated in the case.
Wadali’s lawyer also said that the woman was not in a position even to stand properly as she was drunk. After being harassed by her, my client left the place.
His lawyer also added, it is not just a blatant lie but also a conspiracy to falsely implicate Yash by the complainant for the reasons best known to her.