Raarandoy Veduka Chuddam is hailed as one big dream combination set by Nagarjuna to give one strong push for Naga Chaitanya to join him in 40 Crores club. On any given standards, teaming of Naga Chaitanya, Rakul Preet Singh, Jagapathi Babu, Kalyan Krishna and Devi Sri Prasad with immense back support from King Nagarjuna and prestigious banner of Annapurna Studios, the film was falling nothing short to be called as biggest magical combination.
However, RVC opened to divided talk on first day and pre release buzz disappointed in catching the market heat. Accordingly, collections reported in first weekend and following week days have nothing much to cherish. In fact, a film involved with such massive casting and highly prolific technical team should have boosted the commercial prospects.
RVC is now sailing slowly, smoothly and is still doubtful on reaching 20 Crores club which is the reason why Nagarjuna is said to be depressed. Star heroine, sensational music director, highly paid supporting artists, reputable banner and a director from hit track… yet Chaitu’s luck isn’t changed. Where does the actual problem lie?