Young Tiger Ntr and intelligent filmmaker Sukumar teamed up for 'Naannaku Prematho' which went on an above average grosser at the ticket windows. That's not all. Ntr was the chief guest for the audio launch of 'Kumari 21F' produced by Sukumar. And the film scored a super hit at the ticket windows.
Sukumar is now coming up with yet another production venture titled 'Darshakudu'. Hari Prasad Jakka, who worked in the direction department of Sukumar, has directed the project. Eesha and Pujitha are doing female leads of the film.
Now that Ntr turned out to be a hit sentiment with 'Kumari 21F's success, Sukumar invited the Young Tiger again as a chief guest for his 'Darshakudu' teaser launch. The teaser launch will be held on 22nd of this month while the movie is scheduled for release on June 9.