Popular TV game show 'Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu', hosted by Megastar Chiranjeevi, is being aired by Star MAA from Monday to Thursday every week. Since the game show generated no record TRPs initially, Chiranjeevi was targeted by various media houses and was tried to downgraded from other hosts. Further, ratings surprised mega fans too. An interesting analysis is being heard on the initial low key buzz and other observations have been listed out.
* Unlike many other hosts, Chiranjeevi is enjoying super stardom in this generation as well. Many other hosts, who shot to limelight as superstars decades ago, have been confined playing old age characters or got their market range restricted to certain level now.
* Initially, most of the mega fans didn't wish to see their favourite star on small screen because they felt it was a kind of getting his status degraded.
* Having seen Chiranjeevi most of the participants are turning emotional as if they had seen a God.
* Chiranjeevi's hosting was at top notch when celebs like Radhika, Suhasini and Sumalatha attended to special episodes. Radhika and Suhasini felt Chiranjeevi as a real hero citing some of the instances in shooting spots. Chiranjeevi was decent, dignified, witty and subtle as a host while dealing with other contestants.
* Chiranjeevi is showing his charity on some of the poor and needy contestants donating them Rs.2 lakhs each.